The BeadBeater is the ultimate laboratory-scale homogenizer for disrupting aqueous suspensions of yeast, fungi or bacteria. Complete cell lysis of 10-80 g (wet weight) of cells is achieved in about three minutes of operation.
The BeadBeater comes complete with a 350 ml polycarbonate chamber, rotor assembly, motor base, ice-water cooling jacket, and your choice of one pound of glass beads...
Select the catalog number ending in...
-101 for 0.1 mm glass beads
-105 for 0.5 mm glass beads
-110 for 1.0 mm glass beads
Also, if the BeadBeater is to be used in countries with a 220-240 volt power supply, please select the catalog number containing "EUR."
Our Price : $0.00
The BeadBeater bead-mill methodology is considered superior to other mechanical methods of microbial cell disruption. And, in most cases, it is the most economical. The BeadBeater disrupts microorganisms, single-cell preparations and pulverized plant and animal tissue with better than 95 percent efficiency. Up to 80 grams (wet weight) of cells can be processed in a typical three minute run. Relying on a unique crushing or cracking action rather than high the shear forces found with a French Press or sonicator, a Teflon impeller rotating at high speed forces thousands of minute glass* beads to violently collide in a special clover-leaf shaped vessel. Cells are disrupted quickly, efficiently and safely in the sealed system. The apparatus is easy to clean, has a small footprint, requires no auxiliary supplies or equipment and is essentially maintenance free. Beads settle out in seconds and are reusable.
* Note: Glass beads and zirconia-silica beads having diameters of 0.1 mm, 0.5 mm and 1 mm are prefered grinding media. Larger beads and heavier beads such as steel beads cannot be adequately agitated.
Size | 8 |
CONTROLLING SAMPLE WARMING. Like many mechanical cell disruption techniques, the Beadbeating process generates heat. In general for every minute of beadbeating there is a 10 degree rise in sample temperature. Should that be a problem, the ice-water jacket included with the BeadBeater helps keep this temperature increase under control. Superior control is achieved using an accessory stainless steel or aluminum sample chamber. See accessories below.